
Expert advice to help you pass the Series 65 exam with confidence.

An image of a man looking at his computer screen seemingly confused. The process of becoming an accredited investor via passing the Series 65 exam can be daunting.
July 24, 2023

How To Become an Accredited Investor With the Series 65 Exam

The journey to becoming an accredited investor is challenging due to the necessity of passing the Series 65 exam and being associated with a registered investment advisory firm. Setting up your own advisory firm is a time-consuming and expensive process that requires navigating state-specific requirements, filing multiple forms, and maintaining rigorous compliance standards. Additionally, individuals must document their personal trading activities and client interactions, maintain ongoing education in some states, and prepare for potential examinations by regulatory bodies.

The logo

Ian Cummins at Regdee


Series 65 Exam: Conquering with Confidence in Two Weeks with TimeValuePrep
June 25, 2023

Two-Week AI-Powered Guide to the Series 65 for New Wealth Managers

New to wealth management and feeling overwhelmed by the Series 65 exam? Our two-week plan leverages TimeValuePrep's powerful tools to build strong foundational knowledge, offer abundant practice, and guide you through unfamiliar topics such as client recommendations and laws/guidelines.

A picture of Brent Sullivan

Brent Sullivan


The wise owl represents the TimeValuePrep AI-powered learning system and the experienced professionals who will benefit from this guide
June 24, 2023

Two-Week AI-Powered Guide to the Series 65 for Experienced Finance Professionals

This guide offers a two-week plan designed for experienced professionals in accounting, tax, insurance, and brokerage, looking to conquer the Series 65 exam. With the aid of TimeValuePrep's AI-powered lessons and thousands of practice questions, this guide emphasizes key, yet often unfamiliar areas, ensuring a comprehensive preparation strategy.

A picture of Brent Sullivan

Brent Sullivan


We do not need another accredited investor exam
June 5, 2023

We Do Not Need Another Accredited Investor Exam

The 'Equal Opportunity for All Investors Act of 2023' modifies the Securities Act of 1933, and compels the Securities and Exchange Commission to create a certification test for accredited investors. The exam will cover a variety of finance-related subjects. It will apparently be provided at no cost. The intent is to promote fairness and equal opportunity for all investors. It is unclear if this is the best way to accomplish that goal.

A picture of Brent Sullivan

Brent Sullivan


An image comparing The Learning Pyramid to Active Learning Techniques
May 22, 2023

Forget The Learning Pyramid and Use Active Learning Methods

The learning pyramid is a graphic that shows how much information people retain based on the method of instruction. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. In fact, research has shown that people can learn effectively using a variety of methods.

A picture of Brent Sullivan

Brent Sullivan


A picture of a horse. Study for the Series 65 by avoiding the 'Clever Hans Phenomenon'
May 18, 2023

Solving the Clever Hans Phenomenon: The Power of Infinity

TimeValuePrep is exploring generative AI to overcome the Clever Hans effect (where learners unintentionally use cues to find answers) in standardized exam prep by producing an infinite variety of tasks, explanations, flashcards, and test questions to foster genuine understanding and mitigate rote memorization.

A picture of Brent Sullivan

Brent Sullivan


Passing the Series 65 is like climbing a mountain. It unlocks accredited investor status for angel investing.
May 12, 2023

Pass the Series 65 to Angel Invest in Startups

The SEC expanded the definition of an accredited investor to include individuals who hold the Series 65 certification, acknowledging their financial sophistication to participate in private markets, including angel investing in startups.

A picture of Brent Sullivan

Brent Sullivan


An image of a jungle. The Series 65 requires candiates to navigate the complex world of marketing compliance
May 5, 2023

Series 65 Changes Will Include SEC Marketing Rule

The SEC Marketing Rule modernizes and consolidates regulations for investment adviser marketing and solicitation activities, emphasizing transparency, accuracy, and fairness. At the same time, the Series 65 exam incorporates these changes to ensure advisers are well-prepared to comply with the updated regulatory requirements.

A picture of Brent Sullivan

Brent Sullivan


Study for the Series 65 exam first using the open-book method. Memorize like an elephant.
May 4, 2023

How to Pass the Series 65 Exam

Start answering questions right away. Use the book as a resource. Once you are familiar with all exam topics, then close the book.

A picture of Brent Sullivan

Brent Sullivan


Study for the Series 65 with us on Reddit, Slack, or privately using Upwork
May 2, 2023

Series 65 Exam Forum

Studying for the Series 65 exam should be easy. We added many quick ways to get to work. Join us on Reddit, Slack, or privately using Upwork.

A picture of Brent Sullivan

Brent Sullivan


An image of light through a tree. Free Series 65 questions and lessons shed light on what candidates can expect.
April 26, 2023

Free Series 65 Exam Practice Questions

Our Series 65 practice questions are designed to mimic the actual exam, with questions covering all of the major topic areas.

A picture of Brent Sullivan

Brent Sullivan


An image of a storm. The Series 65 is mostly a storm candidates must weather
April 24, 2023

Free Series 65 Exam Tutoring (For Now)

We offer free drop-in tutoring for the Series 65 exam, including new material taking effect in June 2023, via Slack. If you plan to take the exam soon or have failed it before, reach out for an invitation. Tutoring will not be free forever.

A picture of Brent Sullivan

Brent Sullivan


The Series 65 Exam Changes Take Effect June 12, 2023
April 23, 2023

Changes In The Series 65 Exam Take Effect June 12, 2023

The Series 65 exam will undergo significant changes on June 12, 2023. The new topics will cover ESG investing, digital assets, the SEC marketing rule, the SECURE Act 2.0, and registration requirements for investment adviser representatives. Therefore, test-takers must be familiar with these new topics to pass the updated exam.

A picture of Brent Sullivan

Brent Sullivan


Pass The Series 65 Exam

The sooner you start, the sooner you are done