
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are a set of criteria that investors use to evaluate a company's ethical and sustainable practices, which can impact the company's long-term performance and risk profile. Investment advisors must understand ESG factors to make informed recommendations that align with their clients' values and risk tolerance.

Practice Question #1

Which of the following is NOT an example of an ESG factor?


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Environmental factors:
Criteria related to a company's environmental impact, such as pollution, waste management, and resource conservation.
Social factors:
Criteria related to a company's relationships with its employees, customers, and communities, such as labor practices, diversity, and human rights.
Governance factors:
Criteria related to a company's management structure, policies, and practices, such as board diversity, executive compensation, and shareholder rights.

Practice Question #2

What is the primary difference between ESG integration and socially responsible investing (SRI)?


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Do Not Confuse With

Socially responsible investing (SRI):
An investment strategy that avoids investments in companies with poor ESG performance, focusing more on exclusionary screening than ESG integration.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR):
A company's commitment to ethical and sustainable practices in its operations, which is a broader concept than ESG factors.

Practice Question #3

Which type of investment is specifically designed to finance projects with environmental benefits?


Select an option above to see an explanation here.

Real-World Example

An investment advisor recommends a client invest in a mutual fund focusing on companies with strong ESG performance. The fund invests in companies with low carbon emissions, fair labor practices, and transparent governance structures, aligning with the client's values and long-term investment goals.

Practice Question #4

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Practice Question #5

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Practice Question #6

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Practice Question #7

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Practice Question #8

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Practice Question #9

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Practice Question #10

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