
Estate tax is a tax on property transfer upon an individual's death, while gift tax is a tax on the transfer of property during an individual's lifetime.

Practice Question #1

Which tax is applied to the transfer of property upon an individual's death?


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Estate tax:
A tax on property transfer upon an individual's death.
Gift tax:
A tax on property transfer during an individual's lifetime.
Annual exclusion:
The amount of money that can be gifted tax-free each year.
Lifetime exemption:
The total amount of money that can be gifted tax-free over an individual's lifetime.
Marital deduction:
A deduction that allows spouses to transfer unlimited assets to each other without incurring estate or gift taxes.
Taxable estate:
The value of an estate after deductions and exemptions have been applied.
Taxable gift:
The value of a gift after deductions and exemptions have been applied.

Practice Question #2

What is the purpose of the annual exclusion in gift tax?


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Do Not Confuse With

Inheritance tax:
A tax paid by the beneficiary of an estate, different from estate tax which the estate itself pays.

Practice Question #3

Which tax is paid by the beneficiary of an estate, rather than the estate itself?


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Historical Example

In the early 20th century, estate and gift taxes were introduced in the United States to prevent the concentration of wealth in a few families and generate government revenue. Over the years, the tax rates and exemption amounts have changed, reflecting the government's priorities and economic conditions.

Practice Question #4

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Real-World Example

A wealthy individual wants to transfer $1 million to their child. They can use their annual exclusion to gift $15,000 tax-free and apply their lifetime exemption to cover the remaining $985,000. This strategy allows them to transfer the entire amount without any gift tax.

Practice Question #5

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Estate tax is due when you pass away, gift tax is paid when you give wealth away. Use exemptions and exclusions to reduce the tax you pay, and keep more wealth in your family's way.

Practice Question #6

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Practice Question #7

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Practice Question #8

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Practice Question #9

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Practice Question #10

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