
Introducing broker-dealers are firms that have a direct relationship with clients but do not hold client assets or execute trades. Instead, they work with clearing firms to handle these tasks. Introducing broker-dealers play a crucial role in the securities industry by providing clients with access to various investment products and services.

Practice Question #1

Which of the following tasks is NOT performed by an introducing broker-dealer?


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Introducing broker-dealer:
A firm that has a direct relationship with clients but does not hold client assets or execute trades.
Clearing firm:
A company that handles the execution, clearance, and settlement of transactions for broker-dealers.
Direct relationship:
A relationship between a client and a broker-dealer where the broker-dealer provides services directly to the client.
Indirect relationship:
A relationship between a client and a broker-dealer where the broker-dealer provides services through another firm, such as a clearing firm.

Practice Question #2

What is the primary role of a clearing firm in the securities trading process?


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Do Not Confuse With

Full-service broker-dealer:
A firm that provides a wide range of services, including holding client assets, executing trades, and offering investment advice.
Prime broker:
A broker-dealer that provides specialized services to hedge funds and other large institutional clients, such as financing and securities lending.

Practice Question #3

Which type of broker-dealer provides specialized services to hedge funds and other large institutional clients?


Select an option above to see an explanation here.

Real-World Example

An individual investor opens an account with an introducing broker-dealer to gain access to a wide range of investment products and services. The introducing broker-dealer works with a clearing firm to execute the investor's trades and hold their assets. This arrangement allows the investor to benefit from the expertise and resources of the introducing broker-dealer and the clearing firm.

Practice Question #4

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Practice Question #5

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Practice Question #6

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Practice Question #7

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Practice Question #8

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Practice Question #9

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Practice Question #10

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