
The statement of cash flow is a financial report that provides information about a company's cash inflows and outflows during a specific period. It helps investors, creditors, and other stakeholders understand how a company generates and uses cash from its operating, investing, and financing activities. This report is essential for evaluating a company's liquidity, solvency, and overall financial health.

Practice Question #1

Which of the following activities would be classified as an investing activity on the statement of cash flow?


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Operating activities:
Cash flows related to a company's core business operations, such as revenues and expenses.
Investing activities:
Cash flows related to the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets, such as property, plant, and equipment.
Financing activities:
Cash flows related to a company's capital structure, such as issuing or repurchasing stock and paying dividends.
Cash inflow:
Money received by a company during a specific period.
Cash outflow:
Money paid by a company during a specific period.
Net cash flow:
The difference between cash inflows and cash outflows during a specific period.
A company's ability to meet its short-term financial obligations.
A company's ability to meet its long-term financial obligations.
Free cash flow:
The cash generated by a company's operations that is available for distribution to its investors.
Indirect method:
A method of preparing the statement of cash flow that starts with net income and adjusts for non-cash items and changes in working capital.

Practice Question #2

What does a positive net cash flow from operating activities indicate?


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Do Not Confuse With

Balance sheet:
A financial report that provides a snapshot of a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.
Income statement:
A financial report that shows a company's revenues, expenses, and net income over a specific period.

Practice Question #3

What is the primary purpose of the Statement of Cash Flow?


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Historical Example

In the late 1990s, a large telecommunications company reported significant net income on its income statement. However, its cash flow statement revealed that the company was experiencing negative cash flow from operations. This discrepancy raised concerns about the company's financial health, ultimately contributing to its bankruptcy.

Practice Question #4

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Real-World Example

A small retail business may have a positive net income on its income statement, but its statement of cash flow could show negative cash flow from operations due to high inventory levels and slow-moving merchandise. This information would alert the business owner to potential liquidity issues and the need to improve inventory management.

Practice Question #5

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Practice Question #6

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Practice Question #7

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Practice Question #8

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Practice Question #9

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Practice Question #10

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