
Interest rate risk is the potential for investment losses due to changes in interest rates. It is a systematic risk affecting all market investments, not just specific securities or industries.

Practice Question #1

Which of the following is a type of systematic risk?


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Interest Rate Risk:
The potential for investment losses due to changes in interest rates.
Systematic Risk:
Risk that affects the entire market, not just specific securities or industries.
Reinvestment Risk:
The risk that an investor will have to reinvest interest or principal at a lower rate than the original investment.

Practice Question #2

What is the primary reason that bond prices decrease when interest rates rise?


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Historical Example

In the early 1980s, interest rates in the United States reached record highs, with the Federal Funds Rate peaking at over 20%. This led to a significant decline in bond prices, as investors demanded higher yields to compensate for the increased interest rate risk. As a result, many investors who held long-term bonds experienced substantial losses during this period.

Practice Question #3

Which of the following measures a bond's sensitivity to interest rate changes?


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Real-World Example

An investor purchases a 10-year bond with a 3% annual interest rate. If interest rates rise to 4%, the value of the bond will decrease as new bonds with higher interest rates become more attractive to investors. The investor may experience a loss if they need to sell the bond before maturity.

Practice Question #4

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Practice Question #5

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Practice Question #6

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