
Credit risk, or default risk, is an unsystematic risk that arises when borrowers fail to meet their debt obligations. This can lead to a loss for the lender or investor. Credit risk can be managed through diversification, credit analysis, and credit derivatives.

Practice Question #1

Which of the following is a method to manage credit risk?


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Credit risk:
The risk that a borrower will default on their debt obligations
Failure to meet debt obligations, such as interest or principal payments
Unsystematic risk:
Risk that is specific to a particular company or industry and can be reduced through diversification
Credit rating:
An assessment of a borrower's creditworthiness, usually provided by a credit rating agency
Credit spread:
The difference in yield between a risky bond and a risk-free bond, reflecting the additional risk of the risky bond
Assets pledged by a borrower to secure a loan, which can be seized by the lender in case of default

Practice Question #2

What is the primary difference between credit risk and interest rate risk?


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Do Not Confuse With

Systematic risk:
Risk that affects the entire market or economy and cannot be reduced through diversification

Practice Question #3

Which of the following is NOT a factor in evaluating credit risk?


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Historical Example

In the 2008 financial crisis, many financial institutions faced significant credit risk due to their exposure to subprime mortgages. As borrowers defaulted on their mortgage payments, the value of mortgage-backed securities declined, leading to significant losses for investors and financial institutions.

Practice Question #4

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Real-World Example

A bank lends money to a small business. The small business needs help generating enough revenue and eventually defaults on loan payments. The bank, as the lender, faces credit risk and may be unable to recover the total amount of the loan.

Practice Question #5

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Credit risk, oh what a fright, when borrowers can't pay, it keeps lenders up at night.

Practice Question #6

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Practice Question #7

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Practice Question #8

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Practice Question #9

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Practice Question #10

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