
The costs of derivative securities can include transaction fees, margin requirements, and other expenses related to the trading and maintenance of derivative positions.

Practice Question #1

Which of the following is NOT a cost associated with trading derivative securities?


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Transaction fees:
Costs associated with buying or selling a derivative security, such as brokerage commissions or exchange fees.
Margin requirements:
The amount of collateral required to open and maintain a derivative position, typically expressed as a percentage of the contract's value.
Maintenance margin:
The minimum amount of equity that must be maintained in a margin account to avoid a margin call.
Initial margin:
The amount of collateral required to open a derivative position.

Practice Question #2

Which of the following is an example of leverage in the context of derivative securities?


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Real-World Example

An investor who believes that the price of a particular stock will rise may purchase call options on that stock. If the stock price rises, the investor can profit from the increase without buying the underlying shares. However, the investor will also incur transaction fees and margin requirements associated with the options position.

Practice Question #3

Which of the following is NOT a cost associated with derivative securities?


Select an option above to see an explanation here.


Derivatives can bring great gains, but don't forget the costs and pains. Margin calls and fees await, so trade with care and don't tempt fate.

Practice Question #4

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