
Demand deposits are insured deposits that allow the depositor to withdraw funds without prior notice. These deposits are typically held in bank and financial institutions' checking accounts. They are considered highly liquid and are often used for day-to-day transactions.

Practice Question #1

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of demand deposits?


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Demand deposit:
A deposit in a bank account can be withdrawn on demand without prior notice.
Insured deposit:
A deposit protected by deposit insurance, such as the FDIC in the United States.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insures deposits in banks and thrift institutions in the United States.
Deposit insurance:
A protection provided to depositors if a bank fails, ensuring they do not lose their deposits.

Practice Question #2

What is the primary difference between a demand deposit and a time deposit?


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Do Not Confuse With

Certificate of deposit (CD):
A time deposit with a fixed term and interest rate typically cannot be withdrawn before the maturity date without incurring a penalty.

Practice Question #3

Which type of bank account is most commonly associated with demand deposits?


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Historical Example

In the early 20th century, demand deposits were a significant part of the money supply, and their rapid growth contributed to the financial instability that led to the Great Depression. The introduction of deposit insurance in the 1930s helped to restore confidence in the banking system and reduce the risk of bank runs.

Practice Question #4

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Real-World Example

A small business owner opens a checking account at a local bank to manage their daily expenses and deposits. They can easily access their funds through checks, debit cards, and electronic transfers, making it convenient for them to pay their suppliers and employees.

Practice Question #5

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Demand deposits, quick and free, insured and liquid, just like the sea.

Practice Question #6

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Practice Question #7

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Practice Question #8

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Practice Question #9

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Practice Question #10

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