
The standard of care that investment advisers must adhere to when providing advice to clients includes understanding the client's financial situation, investment objectives, and risk tolerance, as well as providing suitable investment recommendations and acting in the client's best interest.

Practice Question #1

Which of the following is NOT a component of the standard of care for investment advisers?


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Fiduciary Duty:
The legal obligation to act in the best interest of another party.
Standard of Care:
The degree of care and caution required of an investment adviser when advising clients.

Practice Question #2

Which of the following is NOT a factor that an investment adviser should consider when determining the suitability of an investment recommendation?


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Real-World Example

An investment adviser meets with a new client nearing retirement with a low-risk tolerance. The adviser takes the time to understand the client's financial situation, investment objectives, and risk tolerance and recommends a diversified portfolio of conservative investments, such as bonds and dividend-paying stocks. This recommendation suits the client's needs and demonstrates the adviser's adherence to the standard of care.

Practice Question #3

What is the primary fiduciary duty of an investment adviser when providing advice to a client?


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Practice Question #4

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Practice Question #6

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Practice Question #7

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Practice Question #8

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