
This sub-section emphasizes the importance of disclosing compensation information to clients, including fees, commissions, and other forms of remuneration, to ensure transparency and avoid conflicts of interest.

Practice Question #1

Which of the following must be disclosed by an investment adviser to their clients?


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The payment or remuneration received by an investment adviser or representative for their services.
A portion of the commission or fee returned to the client after a transaction.
Referral Fees:
Fees paid to an investment adviser or representative for referring clients to another professional, such as an attorney or accountant.

Practice Question #2

What is the primary purpose of disclosing compensation information to clients?


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Historical Example

In the late 1990s, a major investment firm was found to have failed to disclose millions of dollars in compensation received from mutual fund companies in exchange for promoting their funds. This lack of transparency led to regulatory action and significant fines for the firm.

Practice Question #3

Which of the following is a form of non-cash compensation that must be disclosed to clients?


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Real-World Example

An investment adviser charges a 1% annual fee for managing a client's portfolio. The adviser also receives a commission for recommending a specific mutual fund to the client. To comply with the disclosure of compensation requirements, the adviser must inform the client of the annual fee and the commission received from the mutual fund company.

Practice Question #4

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Practice Question #5

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Practice Question #6

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Practice Question #7

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Practice Question #8

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Practice Question #9

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Practice Question #10

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