
Personal securities transactions refer to the trading activities of investment adviser representatives (IARs) and other associated persons. These transactions can create conflicts of interest and ethical concerns, as IARs may prioritize their interests over their clients.

Practice Question #1

Which of the following is an example of front running?


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Personal Securities Transactions:
Trading activities of investment adviser representatives (IARs) and other associated persons.
Front Running:
The unethical practice of IAR trading securities for their account before executing client orders.
The unethical practice of an IAR recommending a security to clients and then immediately selling it for a profit.
IARs must obtain approval from their firm before executing personal securities transactions.
Restricted List:
A list of securities that IARs are prohibited from trading due to potential conflicts of interest.
Duplicate statements:
Copies of account statements sent to a financial professional's employer to monitor outside securities account activity.
Prior written consent:
Permission obtained in writing from a financial professional's employer before engaging in certain activities, such as opening an outside securities account.
Initial holdings:
The securities owned by an investment adviser at the beginning of an advisory relationship.
Quarterly reports:
Reports provided by investment advisers to clients every three months, detailing the performance and holdings of the client's account.

Practice Question #2

What is the purpose of a restricted list?


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Real-World Example

An investment adviser representative (IAR) learns about an upcoming merger between two companies through a friend who works at one of the firms. The IAR purchases shares of the target company for their account before the news becomes public, resulting in a significant profit. This is an example of insider trading and violating the IAR's fiduciary duty to their clients.

Practice Question #3

What is the primary purpose of personal securities transaction rules for investment advisers?


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Practice Question #4

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Practice Question #5

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Practice Question #6

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Practice Question #7

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Practice Question #8

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Practice Question #9

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