
Investment advisers and their representatives must adhere to strict guidelines when sharing profits and losses in a customer account to avoid conflicts of interest and ensure the client's best interests are always prioritized.

Practice Question #1

Which of the following is required for an investment adviser to share in the profits and losses of a customer's account?


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Sharing in Profits and Losses:
An arrangement where an investment adviser or representative participates in the gains and losses of a customer's account.
Written Consent:
A formal agreement between parties, often required to share profits and losses in a customer account.
The concept that sharing in profits and losses should be based on the adviser's or representative's financial contribution to the account.

Practice Question #2

What is the primary concern when an investment adviser shares in the profits and losses of a customer's account?


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Historical Example

In the late 1990s, a prominent investment adviser was found to have engaged in sharing in profits and losses in customer accounts without obtaining proper written consent. This led to regulatory fines, penalties, and significant reputational damage for the adviser and their firm.

Practice Question #3

Which of the following is NOT an ethical practice when sharing in profits and losses in a customer account?


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Real-World Example

An investment adviser and their client agree to share in the profits and losses of the client's account. The adviser contributes 25% of the initial investment and receives 25% of the gains and losses. Both parties sign a written consent form, and the arrangement is disclosed to the custodian and the adviser's firm.

Practice Question #4

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