
The holding period return is a measure of an investment's performance over a specific period of time. It considers the income the investment generates, such as dividends or interest, and any capital gains or losses.

Practice Question #1

What is the holding period return for an investment that was purchased for $200, paid annual dividends of $10, and was sold after three years for $250?


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Holding Period Return (HPR):
The total return on an investment over the holding period, including income and capital gains or losses.
Holding Period:
The length of time an investor holds an investment.

Practice Question #2

Which of the following is NOT a component of holding period return?


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Do Not Confuse With

Annualized Return:
The holding period return expressed as an annual percentage rate.
Total Return:
The sum of income and capital gains or losses on an investment.

Practice Question #3

What is the difference between the holding period return and the annualized return?


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Historical Example

In the 1980s, a popular investment strategy was to buy stocks with high dividend yields. Investors who followed this strategy would have experienced high holding period returns during this time, as the combination of income from dividends and capital gains from rising stock prices led to strong overall performance.

Practice Question #4

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Real-World Example

An investor purchases a stock for $100 and holds it for two years. During this time, the stock pays annual dividends of $5, and at the end of the holding period, the stock is worth $120. The holding period return for this investment would be (($120 - $100) + ($5 x 2)) / $100 = 30%.

Practice Question #5

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Practice Question #6

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Practice Question #7

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Practice Question #8

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Practice Question #9

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Practice Question #10

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