
Total return is a comprehensive measure of an investment's performance, considering capital gains and income generated.

Practice Question #1

Which of the following best describes total return?


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Total return:
The overall return on an investment, including capital gains and income generated.
Capital gains:
The increase in the value of an investment over time.
Payments from an investment, such as dividends or interest.

Practice Question #2

What is the main difference between price return and total return?


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Do Not Confuse With

Total return vs. price return:
Total return includes capital gains and income, while price return only considers capital gains.

Practice Question #3

Which of the following measures of investment performance accounts for the level of risk associated with the investment?


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Historical Example

In the late 1990s, many investors focused solely on the price returns of technology stocks, ignoring the income generated by more traditional investments like bonds. This led to a technology bubble that eventually burst, causing significant losses for those who had not considered the total return of their investments.

Practice Question #4

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Real-World Example

An investor purchases a stock for $100 and sells it one year later for $110. During that year, the stock also paid a $5 dividend. The price return would be 10% (($110 - $100) / $100), but the total return would be 15% (($110 - $100 + $5) / $100), as it includes both the capital gain and the dividend income.

Practice Question #5

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Practice Question #6

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Practice Question #7

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Practice Question #8

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Practice Question #9

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Practice Question #10

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