
Principal and agency trades are essential for understanding the roles and responsibilities of different parties involved in securities transactions.

Practice Question #1

Which of the following best describes a principal trade?


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Principal Trade:
A trade in which a broker-dealer buys or sells securities from its account, acting as a principal in the transaction.
Agency Trade:
A trade in which a broker-dealer acts as an agent, executing the transaction on behalf of a client.
The amount added to the cost of a security by a broker-dealer when selling it to a client in a principal trade.
The fee a broker-dealer charges for executing an agency trade on behalf of a client.

Practice Question #2

What is the difference between the bid and ask prices of a security called?


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Historical Example

In the late 1990s, a major brokerage firm was fined millions of dollars for not properly disclosing its role as a principal in specific trades. The firm had been buying securities from its inventory and selling them to clients at a markup without clearly informing the clients that the firm was acting as a principal in the transactions.

Practice Question #3

Which of the following fees is associated with an agency trade?


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Real-World Example

An investor wants to buy 100 shares of a stock. The investor's broker can either execute the trade as an agency trade, finding another party willing to sell the shares and charging a commission for the service, or as a principal trade, selling the shares from the broker's inventory and charging a markup on the price.

Practice Question #4

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"Markup high, the dealer's buy, Commission's due, when selling for you." "Markup high, the dealer's buy" refers to the practice of a dealer buying a security and adding a markup (increasing the price) when selling it to a customer (a principal trade). "Commission's due when selling for you" refers to a broker acting on behalf of a client (as an agent) and earning a commission on the sale (an agency trade).

Practice Question #5

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Practice Question #6

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Practice Question #7

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Practice Question #8

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Practice Question #9

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Practice Question #10

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